Friday, January 9, 2009

Annual Whistler Guides BBQ and Party

The annual Whistler guides bbq and party has become a summertime tradition. Ever year near the end of the summer all of the guides from the various guiding companies in Whistler get together and swap stories, eat some good food and swill a few beers. Ok not everyone is into swilling beers but it has been known to happen under certain circumstances. This is also the night that we give out the Whistler guide awards and eat the traditional chocolate flavoured guide cake. The guide awards are the highlight,never to be taken too seriously the awards tend to fit the personality of the guides they are awarded to.Sorry Pat I had to include the picture of you wearing the 'princess guide award', rightly deserved by keeping your clients in the best water all the time. Nothing like a fun summer evening hanging out with great friends and having a good laugh at your own expense and hey Tassila's chocolate cake is pretty tasty.

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